Join us for an Introductory Class on the Cloudwatching™ Method
Restore your Body, clear your Mind and lift your Spirit
During these stressful and uncertain times, it is easy to get rattled and go into a vigilant mode. Instead of using your eyes to scan for threat and danger, use your eyes to see and experience the beauty and spaciousness of the ever-changing sky. Experience the awe and wonder of the sky inside of you.
Clouds are not required.
Digital Detox + Mental & Vision Health + Rest & Recharge in Nature

Join us for a 75-minute Introductory Class on the Cloudwatching™ Method. This is a live webinar on Zoom. This could be a new tool in your toolbox to get into a calm and meditative state.
Learn the method
Learn this method so you can do it on your own and get into a calm and restful state.
Why it works
Learn the keys of the cloudwatching method and why it works. Learn the science behind the method.
You will have an opportunity check out this method for 5 minutes and have your own experience.
There will be a time for a group sharing if you choose to share or ask questions.

Benefits of Intentional Cloudwatching™
Be Outside
The average American spends 90% of their life indoors. Unplug from the devices and step outside. Enjoy fresh air, natural sunlight, and sounds of nature. Allow nature and your sensory awareness to nourish and balance you.
Panoramic Vision
Cloudwatching engages panoramic vision. This visual mode allows you to broaden your vision far and wide. This turns off the vigilant mode in your brainstem and promotes calm in real time.
Rest the Body
Allow the eyes and body to rest and recharge in as few as 5 minues so you can return to what you were doing refreshed and ready to go. It’s relaxation-on-deman. Just show up and the set-up does all the work so you don’t have to.
Focus on Beauty
It’s easy to get caught up with what we see and experience on our devices. Cloudwatching allows us to also use our eyes to see and experience beauty and spaciousness of the ever-changing sky.
Ease Into Mindfulness
Cloudwatching is an alternative to those who struggle with a traditional meditation practice. Cloudwatching promotes a meditative state by resting the body and gazing at the sky.
Inward Listening
Participants slow down and often experience a deep state of relaxation. They release tensions and quiet the mind. Participants often experience an intuition, insight or gain a new perspective.
FAQs with Letty
Will I be able to do the intentional Cloudwatching™™Method on my own after the Intro Class?
YES! After this 1-hour Zoom class, you will be provided with all the basics so you can do this method on your own safely and comfortably.
Do I have to take the 21-Day Cloudwatching™ Lab after the Intro Class?
No, you don’t have to take the 21-Day Cloudwatching™ Lab after you take the Intro Class. The Intro Class is a standalone class. No additional clases are required.
The 21-Day Cloudwatching™ class is specifically designed for someone who wants to develop a practice, receive daily email support and 4 Zoom classes. It’s an opportunity to go deeper into the practice with a lot of support.
I don’t see many clouds where I live, can I still do this method?
Great question. Clouds are not required! You will still benefit from being outdoors, being in resting pose, and engaging your peripheral vision which will promote calm, rest, and often joy.
How do I do the method when the weather or air quality does not allow me to be outside?
If the temperature is cold but tolerable, you could wear a warm coat, wool hat, and mittens. I do this all the time. However, if it is unsafe or unhealthy to be outdoors, you can do it indoors. You can lie down or recline by a big window that allows you to have a partial view of the sky.
Can I play music or listen to a podcast while Cloudwatching™?
I don’t recommend it but you’ll have to check it out for yourself as everyone is different. For me, it’s a time to unplug and not take in any more information. Most of us are already saturated and in information overload. What if, we just allow ourselves to rest in nature, be with ourselves, listen to our own thoughts and just BE (opposite of do-ing).
At first, there may be a lot of mind chatter that comes and goes but once Cloudwatching™ becomes a regular practice, you will tap into a quiet place that is quite content and happy being in the moment. In time, you may experience a flow state. Flow psychology as defined by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (Hungarian-American psychologist) is a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter. The process is what’s enjoyable, not the result. Put plainly, it is the joy of doing something for the sake of doing (Psychology Today).
I already meditate, why should I do Cloudwatching™?
I personally have a daily meditation practice and a Cloudwatching practice. For me, they are different. Cloudwatching could also be a spiritual practice but the way I use it is to quiet my mind, rest my body, and attune to myself. In the process, I am able to listen inwardly and often experience insights and intuitions.
Cloudwatching has helped me with my meditation practice. The way I worked with mind chatter in cloudwatching assisted me in working with mind chatter in my meditation practice. This is a big win as mind chatter used to take up most of my meditation time. Now, when I meditate, I see my mind chatter as clouds moving through my inner sky. I still have mind chatter during meditation but they are mostly in the periphery. I realize I have the freedom to tune into the oneness (sky) or tune into the mind chatter (clouds). This awareness has had a profound effect on both my meditation and cloudwatching practice.
I don’t have much time. How long do I need to do this method for it to work?
The Cloudwatching™ Method meets you where you are. Everyone is different and each day is different but with a regular practice and a positive intention, the time it takes you to get into your calm and/or rested state will shorten over time. Most participants experienced calm in as few as 5 minutes and a more well-rested state after 15 minutes. My personal Cloudwatching™ sessions vary from 5 to 30 minutes. When I am on my devices a lot, then I do cloudwatching for 20-30 minutes to release the grip in my eyes, mind, and body. In my opinion, there is no downside to doing this method for even a few minutes. Cloudwatching gets you outside, connects you to nature, broaden your vision far and wide, and provides a great opportunity for you to tap into calm and intuitive state.